Sunday 3 October 2010

Camera shots T.V Drama

The first shot of this clip is a close up however it is through a mirror. The reason why this is used is because the director wants to make aware to the view of how sad the woman is. The next few shots are both closes up but using a following shot to keep up with what she is doing. These shots are very cheap to do because there is not much movement, no expensive props and only the one camera used. Also with all of the changing of the shots and the close ups this makes the viewer interested so they don't turn over.
Afterwards it changes subjects very quickly, firstly there is a close up of a man and then very rapidly zooms out on him. This shot is used to bring the viewer out of the world of shameless and denote that the character is not where he is meant to be.
Further on in the clip there are medium shots which show a part of the subject whilst focusing as well on other aspects, for this clip the shot focuses on man but also his two sons. After that there are lots of over the shoulder shots which gets boths characters in the shot so this tells the viewer that they are interacting, the fast editing again keeps the view wanting to carry on watching. All of these shots are very low value.

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