Friday 11 February 2011

Feedback from Mr. Wroe and class of our Film Opening

We have made a rough edit and the start is good however after the first night scene the sequence gets very boring. After the main character walks down the stairs there is a still shot which last for about 30seconds while he makes a bowl of cereal. Our teacher thought that the shots were extreme good at the start and the variation was good as well, this is encouraging because we also thought that the shots we great as well. The main problem with our film was the fact of a 30 second still shot whilst he make his food and read a message this left the viewer very bored. We are going to address this and are thinking of re-filming a few things and maybe introducing Seamus in the fold more and giving him a bigger part and having a contrast between the two which would be made by filming a little clip of Joshua and then a similar clip of Seamus but emphasising the character of Seamus more. However we are going to stick to a initial idea of having the night scene first and then a flash back which would take the viewer back to the beginning and everything will be explained from there.
The main feed back from the class was it was average but there was a few thing wrong with it and these can be sorted out very easily. One other big problem was we didn't have our semi diegectic music in the background which would of added tension and helped to explain the storyline. For the next showing we will have all of these things sorted and have background music. There is a few weeks left of term and then half terms aswell these are good opportunities for us to film everything we need to and then have plenty of time to get the finish article in with more feedback from Mr Wroe.

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