Wednesday 17 November 2010

Relating films opening to our own idea

Between 1.56 and 2.50

Setting: The narrative is explained by the setting because its in a tunnel where a man is getting beaten up. He has blood all over his face. This setting explains that the story is going to be about fighting and hooligans. Since the man is on the floor this puts none of the focus on the setting, all we can see is that is it dark and all the light is on the person on the floor. We get the feeling this is set in some kind of tunnel because we see some light but not much. I think that the director has chosen to use this type of setting to represent th nature of the man and the nature of what he is involved in. It could also be used to represent that this man has no chance of getting out of what he is gotten into by the light and the tunnel.

Lighting: The light is very dark and dull because it represents how doomed this person is who is getting beaten up . The lighting is all on his face and the blood stands out this establishing that the narrative is going to be very violent. In the next scene we seen the man standing out by the use of lighting, he isnt wearing the most colourful clothes but the blurriness of background presents the foreground very well and denotes that the story is going to be about this man. The lighting is used to make the audience aware of what is going on and takes them into a world of football violence and its denoted by the darkness.

Choice of shot: Extreme close up, this use of shot focuses purely on this man and gets the image of him into the mind of viewer. Next, the camera zooms into the mans face, this establishes that the story line is going to be about this man and puts the viewer into his head. The camera dissolves to the next shot in a complete comparative view to the last he is walking down the street looking very happy and everything else is blurred out so that represents to the viewer that the story is going to be about him. This is a very easy technique to use to get the viewer to know who the main character is. In our production we have just used close ups to mark down who the main character is.

The choice of clothing that the man on the floor wears again represents the type of genre of the film. he is wearing a big coat in both scenes the denotes the character of football hooligans and shows the viewer what kind of a person he is. After the black-out  the contrast between the three people in the scene captures three completely different characters. This suggests to the viewer that hooligans are completely different from everyone else.

This type of film opening is relevant to our because of many reasons, one the storyline is very similar ours starts of as a man getting beaten up and then is explained later. Also in this film its very similar if not the same, the man gets beaten up and then the narrator (himself) sets the scene for why he gets beaten up. This can relate to our film very easily. Another reason why it relates to our opening is because its shares very similar genre's: Violence, action and crime.

Within this sequence we don't see any narrative arch's appearing because we have only met one character. However we know that this man is going to to involved heavily in football violence. The voice over explain this clearly and explains that it is what he wants to do. This leaves the narrative arch's open to be developed within the rest of the film. Compared to our opening, we don't see clearly that there are arch's present however we get the sense of one from when the man is confronted by three other people. The character arch is clearly represented.

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