Friday 19 November 2010

Relating films opening to our own idea

Setting: The setting of this opening is at a school, where we see lots going on. This represents to the viewer that the film is going to be about school children and very lively. The setting is in a wide open space which denotes thats the characters are quite open about themselves. I think that the director has chosen to do this to show the viewer the nature and the personality of the character involved. However using this setting we dont get a sense of what kind of character they are. Since the setting is at a school, the viewer quickly sees that they are school kids.

Camera shots: Lots of mid shots used to get a perspective of what friendship groups are apparent, the director has chosen to do this to show the viewer which characters you expect to be friends because that is very important in youth films. We see the first close up of a boy using a drill on a gun (trevor) this is the first close up because he is the main character in the film. In our film opening, we do something similiar however we don't introduce any character before the main character. He is given the first close up though.

Camera movement: The camera moves lots in between mid shots in the opening sequence of kidulthood, the director might of chosen to do this so that it represent the busy lives of youths and how fast they live their lives. The camera is pan between groups extremely quickly and is never stationary. Firstly it moves to look at the two girls in the scene and quickly onto another couple of girls, this contrast between the two. The camera continues to pan between a series groups then cuts to someone doing some work on a gun in a classroom. All of the movement and the cuts denote to the viewer that the people involved are typical teenagers and gets the point of the film over to viewer easily. The camera is always panning between groups and then zooming into the group. This gives a the viewer the a better idea of who the main characters are because since it is set in a school there a lots of people involved therefore its a good way to get across who the main character are. By zooming into them it establishes who is who. In our task the camera doesn't move atall.

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