Monday 15 November 2010


Police arrive at the family home to inform Idi that Raza has been arrested at work - charged with the murder of a local man, Frank Cordingley (a colleague of Raza's, from the University - he is a security guard, and ex-soldier - having served in Iraq and Afghanistan).  Cordingley is found dead in his flat, following the extraction of a large amount of money from his bank account.  A neighbour has identified Raza as visiting the house earlier in the day.  Questioning takes place.

Criminal Justice

This first scene starts off being very dark as the camera is zoomed in onto a black door. Next, a semi diegectic sound of a police man banging on a door.
POV shot of the police man
Police man: It’s the police, open up!
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of the police man
Slight pause, Idi comes storming down the stairs and walking into shot as the camera is still focused on the door. Idi’s side of the door is red. He swings the door open sharply.0
Cut to: Close up of Idi
Idi: It’s 4 in the morning what do you want!?
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of Idi
Police man: Your son has been arrested and charged with murder of a local man.
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of Police man
Idi: You must have got the wrong guy; my Raza wouldn’t do such a thing. He’s upstairs sleeping.
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of Idi
Police man:  We would appreciate it if you would come down to the station with us.
Match cut: Idi is now standing at the police station looking up at it, Idi takes a seat in the waiting room.
Semi diegectic sound of police sirens
In the police interview room it is dark and all the light (minimal) is on Raza.  Raza is still wearing his security uniform. In the background is one police officer and in the main part of the scene is Raza and the interviewer.
Dissolve cut to: Extreme close up of Raza
The tape is on, raza’s interview has began.
Raza: I didn’t do it!
The police man is pacing around the room making Raza look small.
Cut to: Medium shot of everything in the room with the interviewer circling Raza
Interviewer:  So Mr Cordingley was a friend eh? What could possible drive a man who has no criminal record, helps out at the local mosque to commit such a murder?
Raza ignores the question. Then shakes his head.
Cut to: Close up of Raza
He lies back in his chair and put his hands on his face.  The interviewer ruffles through his files.
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of the interviewer.
Interviewer: Mr. Cordingley, a ex servant in Iraq and Afghanistan with two sons and three grandchildren. Had a big pay off from a football bet, won a reported £100,000. He recently settled down in a new home with a new job after the tragic death of his wife.  
Interviewer: I think that you were jealous of Mr. Cordingley and couldn’t stand that he had such a better life than you. Especially after winning £100,000 when is it going to be a better time to kill the man that you hate and take all the money?
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of Raza
Raza is looking down at the floor, he is seemingly very anxious and doesn’t know what to say.  He folds his arms
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot of Raza
Interviewer: where were you between the hours of 9.00pm and 11.00pm?
Cut to: close up of raza’s hand tapping on the table
Raza’s hand stops tapping

Cut to: over the shoulder shot of Raza
Raza: I was at home watching television. You have nothing on me, let me go or charge me.
Cut to: Close up of the interviewer
The interviewer looks disappointingly towards Raza and raises a eyebrow.
Interviewer: We have a witness statement saying that they saw you at approx. 9.30pm walking into the home of Mr. Cordingley. So where were you between the hours of 9.00pm and 11.00pm?
Cut to: two shot of both opposing each other over the table
Raza seems to open up, he leans forwards and places his arms on the table fiercely  
Raza: Alright, I went to see Mr. Cordingley about um work when I left he was fine just as he usually is.
Interviewer: You’ve just stated that you were at home watching television?
Raza:  Yeh I was watching television at his place, nice 42” plasma screen. I suppose he got it with all his winnings.
Interviewer: Interesting.
Raza: So, you gotta let me go you haven’t got anything on me. I want to get out of here I haven’t done anything wrong.
Interviewer: Interview terminated at 7.59 AM.
Cut to: close up of Raza
Raza sharply stands up and throws his chair back.
Raza: WHAT, you can do this.
Interviewer: Sit down sir, we have enough evidence to charge you just we have to be sure, ill be back to interview in due course
Exit the interviewer
Raza’s shoulders slump down he slows is reduced to nothing within his chair.
Match cut to: Idi waiting in the reception for news.
Idi walks up to the receptionist confidently and slams his hands down on the desk.
Idi: Are you going to charge my boy or not? This is outrageous!
Receptionist: Calm down sir, I’ll give you the news as soon as I get it. Now can you just take a seat?
Close up of Idi’s hand sliding off the desk.
Dissolve cut to: Raza, camera looking up at him
Raza is deep in thought, he looks towards the ceiling.
Raza: ten thousand pounds.
Raza: ten thousand pounds for you, if you tell the man in the reception dressed in a suit the name of the witness. Ten thousand pounds...
Two shot of Raza and the silent police man. Raza is in the foreground and the silent police man in the background. The camera fades into focus on the silent police man.
Silent police man: What?
Raza turns and looks towards the man
Raza: Tell my dad and the rest will follow.
The Silent police man stretches out his neck and a smirk surfaces on his face.
Cut to: Raza camera looking up at him
Raza follows to turn back around
Dissolve cut to: Idi walking up to the door of the witness.
Doorbell rings. Semi diegectic sound of the large man coming down the stairs.
The door opens slowly and a large man appears dressed in black clothes. Idi is dressed in a creamy/brown coloured jacked with suited trousers and leather gloves
Witness: Yes?
Idi pulls out his silenced gun within his lathered gloved hands and places it close to the Witness’s stomach and shoots him twice. Idi pushes the man within the door with his foot closes the door and brushes himself down.
Fade cut to: two shot of Raza and the Interviewer back in the interview room
Raza is looking very confident and smug about the whole situation and is lean well forward with his hands on the table.
Cut to: Close up of the interviewer’s finger pressing play on the tape player.
Cut to over the shoulder shot of raza
Interviewer: Well, you wouldn’t be too surprised to hear but the witness has suspiciously gone missing.
Cut to over the shoulder shot of The interviewer
Raza: really? That's bad news, guess you will just have to carry on the case without him. So what is next?
The interviewer looks angrily towards Raza, shakes his head.
Cut to: Close up of Raza
Interviewer: Raza I’m charging you with the murder of Mr. Cordingley

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